When granting you a loan for the purchase of a car, a house or any other premise, the bank usually includes in the loan file an insurance policy. This policy is subscribed to cover the bank’s interest in the transaction. We recommend that you purchase your insurance policy from an independent broker.
As per decision no 109 of the ministery of labour as to the application of decree law 136/83 of 16 september 1983 , every business owner is compelled to purchase a Workmen Compensation Accident policy covering employees on his payroll.
Schools usually purchase School Liability or Personal Accident policies to cover students enrolled in their establishment. The School Liability policy covers your child for any accident whenever the school is held liable. If the cover is a Personal Accident Policy then your child could be covered on a 24 hours basis but always for accidents only. Health impairments are not included and hence you should include your child in your health plan.